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Tree Surveys for Planning Applications

BS5837: 2012 Tree Survey

BS5837:2012 is the British Standard for Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction. It is often a requirement of the Local Planning Authority that a BS5837 Tree Survey is carried out as part of the planning application process when development is proposed in the vicinity of trees.

The report I supply will fulfill the requirements of the Local Planning Authority and will include;​​

  • Schedule of all trees influenced by the proposed development 

  • Tree Constraints Plan

  • Arboricultural Impact Assessment

  • Tree Protection Plan

  • Arboricultural Method Statement

I can provide this survey as full process, or as individual units as required.

Example of a Tree Constraints Plan produced for a woodland lodge holiday accommodation 


As part of the survey any tree within influencing distance of the development is surveyed and recorded, detailing the condition and retention quality of the trees.  A Tree Constraints Plan is then produced detailing canopy spreads, root protection areas, and shade patterns. In conjunction with the Arboricultural Impact Assessment, the client will then be able to design the development around the retained trees with minimal conflict.

Example of a Tree Constraints Plan produced for a woodland lodge holiday accommodation


A Tree Protection Plan and Method Statement can then be produced if required. These will inform on how the retained trees are to be protected during development, including recommendations for ground protection, access pruning, and the layout of tree protection fencing and construction exclusion zones. I can provide arboricultural site monitoring if required by the Local Planning Authority.

I also supply a service to produce a planting plan to replace any removed trees if necessary.

A Robinia Tree requiring surveying to support a planning application

A Robinia Tree requiring surveying to support a planning application

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